Tooth cleaning causes loosening of teeth?

Getting scaling done will lead you to increased sensitivity?

Tooth cleaning causes gaps in the teeth?

These are few things which we get to hear routinely from our friends and family. However the point to ponder upon is – Is this information correct or is it just a myth?

As a dental practitioner, we have been encountering with such concerns on getting a scaling done from patients on routine basis.

So before anyone avails the treatment, it is paramount for us to know the facts about tooth cleaning.

What is Scaling and why is it necessary?

Photo by Niles Family Dentistry

Scaling or tooth cleaning is a dental procedure which is done to remove the plaque, tarter (the bacterial and food particle) coating which is attached to the tooth surface and those deposits that can't be removed by brushing at home. These deposits can further cause gum diseases and pyorrhea.

Is it painful?

Professional tooth cleaning is not a painful procedure at all. In fact it is a routine dental procedure which ideally should be done every six months. In case of deep scaling, your dentist might have to numb your teeth and gums if required to avoid pain sensation.

Does Scaling cause tooth mobility?

Photo by Smiles Makeover Ofia

The answer is no!!

Scaling only cleans and debrides the tooth surface and enhances the gum health. It has no association in causing tooth mobility. In fact regular scaling and maintaining a proper oral hygiene has shown to improve tooth mobility and tooth loss due to pyorrhea.

Will there be permanent sensitivity?

Scaling may lead to sensitivity to hot and cold but it's temporary and your dentist might prescribe you desensitizing toothpaste for a week. However, there is "No Permanent Sensitivity on getting a Scaling done".

Does Scaling remove a layer of the tooth?

Photo by Sabka Dentist

Scaling does not remove any layer of the tooth. Scaling only removes the plaque and tarter layer covering the surface of the tooth which is anyway detrimental to tooth and gums health.

Signs that you need a Scaling?

   Bleeding gums

   Irritation in the gums

   Painful and tender gums

   Yellow or brownish deposits on teeth

   Bad breath

   Preventive treatment once in every six months.

Someone rightly said “Prevention is better than cure”. What could be the better way than giving your oral cavity the privilege of being free from caries and gum  diseases  by just taking proper care of the oral health and getting a regular cleaning and check-up done.

Scaling is not harmful, neglecting your oral health is!





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