Most common Dental Diseases

 Just like you have many tasks in real life, the teeth have its own work to do such as biting the food, chewing and grinding the food, shearing and crushing the food. Our mouths are a great habitat for both beneficial and dangerous bacteria. So, it is very important to take care of dental health by brushing and flossing regularly. Despite this, difficulties do arise from time to time, even in people who follow a strict dental hygiene regimen. As a result, it's essential to be able to identify the indications of underlying dental issues and know how to treat them. While your dentist may be able to restore your teeth in an emergency and fill cavities with fillings, you are eventually responsible for their health. Learn to identify danger signals so that you can react swiftly and effectively.

Tooth Decay

Dental caries or cavities are other terminology for tooth decay. When plaque bacteria have a chance to settle on teeth, it induces cavities. It creates an acid that eats away at the enamel of the teeth, causing holes to develop. Since this bacterium thrives after consuming sugars and carbs, maintaining a balanced diet can help you from becoming infected.

The chances of developing a cavity are wholly reliant on one's way of life. The better your oral care regimen, the less susceptible you are to develop tooth decay. However, because their enamel is more susceptible, elderly individuals and kids are slightly more at risk. If a child develops cavities in their baby teeth, they will be filled once the adult teeth appear, but this does not negate the importance of dental care.

Plaque prevention is the greatest strategy for dealing with it. There is no way to get rid of cavities once they have formed. Filling and repairing them is your only alternative, so save your enamel while you still can. Brush and floss on a regular basis, have frequent dental check-ups, and avoid sugary meals.

If you develop a cavity, you must see a dentist to get it treated. If you wait for it to become worse, it could turn into an infection or an abscess. Patients suffer a great deal of pain and discomfort as a result of these diseases.

Gum Disease 

It is also known as Periodontitis. Did you know that periodontitis is the leading cause of adult tooth loss? This is an infectious disease caused by plaque deposition in the mouth. Bacteria decimate at the gum tissue and ligaments that keep the teeth in place. There are five phases of gum disease, which means patients usually have plenty of time and possibilities to reverse the illness's progression.

Individuals with poor dental hygiene, delayed brushing and flossing practices, and other major health conditions are the most vulnerable. Patients with diabetes, smoking for example, are more likely to acquire chronic gum infections.

If you have any signs such as red, painful, or bleeding gums, or sensitive teeth, consult a dentist as soon as possible to avoid severe concerns such as tooth loss.

Tooth Infection

It occurs when the root of a tooth becomes diseased and filled with bacteria. If left untreated, it affects the nerves and pulp tissue inside the tooth, so see your dentist right away if you suspect you have this problem. An infection might result from a deep crack, fracture, or hollow.

Patients with the most severe root infections develop painful abscesses. These take the form of painful face swellings. Abscesses, on the other hand, normally develop when a root infection has progressed to a more serious stage. This should not happen if you treat a sore or damaged tooth promptly.

The root canal treatment has been the only real answer to a root infection. It takes a couple of hours to perform this treatment because it is fairly sophisticated and extensive. It has a poor reputation for being horribly painful, but the truth is completely different. Because anaesthesia is always given, patients rarely experience discomfort until the tooth heals after treatment.

Enamel Degradation

This is a very frequent issue, with circular, remarkably discolorated surfaces of enamel. Exposures to caustic products such as fizzy beverages or sugar snacks are a consequence of this. Acid is a stainless and unhealthy appearance in these substances that wears down the enamel. Excessive brushing may also be a factor in some situations.

The only factor leading to the deterioration of enamel is to drink soda and sucrose drinks every day. Sports drinks, carbonated soft drinks, too, and most kinds of wine are part of the program. This is indeed seen as a professional risk for wine connoisseurs and wine evaluator.

Your dentist may suggest you to change to a gentler toothbrush so as not to erode the enamel any more. If the tooth surface is badly damaged, bonding assistance may be required. In really critical circumstances, the alternatives are restricted to the possible restoration of harm. The earlier you get symptoms of erosion from enamel, the more likely you are to reverse this procedure.

Bad Breath

Bad breath (termed halitosis) could be uncomfortable and humiliating. And it's not only possible to clean your teeth a bit longer, or suck on a mint, sadly.

Perseverant, bad breath may arise from an underlying oral health condition, such as mouth, nose or throat infection; dry mouth or gingival disease. Dental issues such as cavities might promote bad breath by creating gaps in the mouth to trap harmful germs.

Camouflaging odour with minting and mouth washing can merely mask odour, but the underlying problem remains unaddressed. It might be so easy that tooth cleaning is necessary so that the visit to the dentist is not postponed.

Tooth Sensitivity

The hypersensitivity of tooth is a frequent oral problem. If your teeth are sensitive, you may often encounter discomfort or brief, severe pain in the instance of the teeth being exposed to high temperatures – e.g., in the case of eating or drinking hot or chilled foods and drinks such as ice cream or soup, teeth brushing, or cold air inhaling. 

Dental sensitivity can be induced via several dental problems and conditions, including tooth decay, fractured teeth, tooth enamel or fillings worn, gums and gum disease. The tooth enamel is worn off, exposing the dentine's nerves and cells to heat, cold and acid.

Dry Mouth

The dry mouth is known medically as Xerostomia, since its major symptom is a dry mouth due to absence of adequate saliva. This may happen for several causes, but mostly it is caused as a side effect of prescribed medicines. Saliva has minor antibacterial effects in the mouth which remove residual tooth plaque. Without sufficient saliva and the good bacteria, it carries, the plaque stays on the teeth enamel, eating it away.   So, your gums and teeth basically doesn't get essential moisture and purification for your gums and teeth.

The ageing of the mouth will naturally reduce the production of saliva and increase the friction of the teeth. This absence of saliva will lead to the growth of decay and cavities over time when left untreated. Do not stop taking prescription medications unless directed by your doctor, regardless these implications. You can also visit a dentist to see how the issue might be managed.


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